Datatag ID Limited

Datatag Frequently Asked Questions

Do the transponders ever wear out or need servicing?

No, the transponders contain no batteries or other service parts and will last for many decades.

Who has scanners to read the Datatag transponders?

Datatag have supplied thousands of scanners free of charge to specialist Police and vehicle examiners and we continue to maintain this large network of scanners at no cost to the Police.

What happens to the data you hold on the database about my property?

The data held on Datatag's secure database is for Police and Offi cial use only. The only exception to this is for asset data, not personal, which may be subject to future provenance checks.

Can I add additional transponders or other Datatag technology to my property or vehicle?

Yes, replacement parts are available to purchase directly from Datatag ID Ltd. Simply call Datatag Monday - Friday, 9am- 5pm on 08 450 700 440.

What happens if I sell my property?

The Datatag membership is transferable, and for a small re-registration fee, the new keeper can have their name and address added to the secure Datatag database.

What happens if my property is stolen?

Please advise the Police immediately, then contact Datatag quoting your membership number and the crime report number the Police have given you, and we will flag a warning against your vehicle on our database.

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Datatag Official Sponsor of 2013 BSB