Leisure Vehicle Training Courses

IMI Accredited Caravan and Motorhome Examination and Investigation Course
Dates of next courses:
Caravan and Motorhome theft significantly impacts the owner, causing stress and anxiety and often preventing them from taking well earnt holidays. Thefts of these vehicles remain a real, and growing, concern for owners and insurers and criminals see them as an opportunity to significantly benefit financially from the theft and reidentification of these products.
Datatag’s Caravan and Motorhome Examination and Investigation Course has been specifically designed to enhance the skills and knowledge of Police Officers / Staff working towards being a Qualified Stolen Vehicle Examiner (QSVE).
This course is designed to provide specific training to Police Officers / Staff and other investigators into the techniques to aide investigations and, by close examination and inspection, subsequently identify caravans / motorhomes that have been cloned to fake identities.
Datatag’s Caravan and Motorhome Examination and Investigation Course is IMI Accredited through our own IMI Centre yet can be delivered in force in UK or even the wider Policing community in the EU.
This course covers both theory and practical training sessions over it’s 1.5 day duration and costs £599 plus VAT. IMI registration fee if required is an additional cost at £74 inc VAT per person.
The course is limited to just 12 attendees per session in order to maximise the input from both students and trainer.

Instructor - Tim Booth
Tim Booth is acknowledged by Police and Law Enforcement Officers across UK/ Eire and Europe as the leading specialist on Leisure Vehicle matters.
Tim was awarded a Deputy Chief Constables Commendation for his ‘dedication and professionalism’ in working to reduce leisure vehicle crime.
In 2023 he was awarded the IAATI UK Branch President’s Award, ‘in recognition of his knowledge in the field of leisure vehicles, and his continued outstanding contribution in the global fight against vehicle crime’.
Having served 47 years working with Police in the UK (most recently as the NaVCIS Leisure Vehicles Officer) Tim is called upon (including by Europol and Interpol) to support enquiries where caravans and motorhomes have been re-identified (cloned) to new identities and to provide advice, support and training.
He is a member of IAATI -UK and is currently Vice President of IAATI -Europe – (International Association of Autotheft Investigators) – a worldwide organisation of vehicle crime specialists who share information around vehicle crime trends and identification methods.